image of me

Hi there, I'm Carter

I’m a User Experience and Visual Designer based in Seattle.
I studied Visual Communication Design at San Francisco State University, where I fell in love with the way different forms of design can positively impact people's lives.

Throughout my college experience, and career, I’ve grown to love interactive, graphic and web design– how could I choose just one? I focused on UX/UI during my time at SFSU because I felt fulfilled in curating meaningful projects, problem solving and developing for diverse communities. My dream as a creative has been to find the intersections between people, the environment and design.

Throughout the last three years, I led jobs and did freelance work that involved creating logos and brand identities, web design and digital marketing, and photography and photo editing.

When I’m not exercising my right brain, you can find me outside! I spend lots of my time exploring, in the city and in the incredible PNW nature. I adore camping, hiking and backpacking. This winter, I’m learning how to snowboard, play guitar and be gluten free.

check out my resume here
decorative flowers
Thanks for hanging out, let's do it again soon!
I’d love to work with you, chat & gab– 

hear all your wonderful ideas.